Vendor Sign-up
Please check the vendor list to see if your company is already represented. Only 1 rep per company will be allowed.
Booths are: 10x10 - $85
We are full in the following categories:
* Permanent Jewelry
* Please bring your own tables & chairs. Rentals are available. Tables $9, chairs $2.50.
* Electricity is limited and on a first come, first reserved and necessity based.
* Refunds & Cancellations- Cancellations will be accepted with a refund minus a $5 processing fee up to 30 days prior to event. No refunds will be given if cancellation is within 30 days of the event. You may find a vendor to take your place with prior approval from us.
* Please do not put holes or hang anything from walls
* Applicants and assigns agrees to release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless Northern Michigan Events & The Ellison Place, and their assigns, agents and employees of and from all claims, demands, action or cause of action, which may hereafter exist by reason of any damage, loss or injury which may be sustained by the undersigned in consequence of being allowed to participate in the Show.